Specializing in Giving a Sh….

Specializing in Giving A Sh*t
Sometimes it’s hard to give a sh*t. You’ve got a lot going on, after all. But things like homes and vehicles are huge investments, and it’s important to have people in your corner who care just as much about your result as you do.
When you decide to build or remodel a home, your design build firm should be knowledgeable, capable, within your budget, yes — but before all of those things, it should have one very important quality: the people who work there should give a sh*t. Not just about your money, but about you. At Kehoe Kustom Construction Services, we care. Like, a lot. Here’s why.

We really do care about every single project we take on. Really. This isn’t just a business transaction, this is a relationship — one that will have a huge impact on you and your family for years. Maybe some design build firms only see as far down the road as the project’s completion and payment received, but we look much further. A proper build will provide value to a home for as long as you choose to live there. If you move, it will pass that value on to whomever moves in after. Homes can last for generations, but not if they’re poorly made. Our builds define us — rather literally. We take that seriously.
We give a sh*t about each other, too
The thing about giving a sh*t is that it’s meant to be spread around. Our team at Kehoe is filled with knowledgeable, skilled, positive and driven professionals. We care about them, and show it by treating them with respect and providing them with rewarding careers where they can grow and advance. Not only is this the right thing to do, but happy employees are more productive, have less turnover and are generally more innovative and creative. That means you get better service. Sometimes, giving a sh*t is just good business.
It’s unfortunate, but this does make us different
Maybe there are some services where you don’t need a personal touch, but home remodeling and deck builds require personal service. There are plenty of companies out there that just don’t give a sh*t about anything. They just want to make money. Most people are smart enough to see through that, which means you’ll easily see how different we are. That’s something in which we take great pride.
It’s actually not that hard
The only reason some companies might think it’s hard to give a sh*t, frankly, comes down to money. Sometimes, caring means spending a little more money up front. We think our clients, customers, and community are worth every penny. We also guarantee that our approach, which focuses on quality, costs much less in the long-term than companies that don’t care about quality. Take a look at some of the kind words our clients have had about our work.

It’s purely selfish
If you still don’t believe that we give a sh*t for your sake, then maybe you’ll trust that this is for our own benefit, too. See, caring makes us go the extra mile. When we go the extra miles — whether it’s 1 or 26.2, we can finish each day and each project knowing that we did our best for our clients. That makes us feel all nice and fuzzy on our insides, and lets us sleep peacefully. Then we can get back to it again the next day, well-rested and ready to do it all over again.
So, yeah, guess you can say we Specialize in giving a Sh*t.
Still have questions? We’d love to talk to you. Contact us at 845-988-4644, or email us here.