How to Find the Right Design-Build Firm for Your Home Remodel

How to find the right design-build firm for your home remodel

It can be a daunting task finding a home renovation company in the Hudson Valley, New York area. There are lots of options in the area and all of them are trying to get your business. So, how do you find a trust worthy and qualified home remodeling company? We recommend asking these questions to help select your remodeling contractor before you begin remodeling.



Ask your home renovation company who they have on staff. Learning about the background and special expertise of each member will enable you to trust your contractor, and it also lets you know who to speak with when specific questions arise. For instance, knowing that you are working with a coordinated staff boasting a designer, project manager, project coordinator, and office personnel, each with estimable experience, will increase your trust in the project’s professionalism and familiarize you with your company’s set-up. The more you know about your home renovation company, the better prepared you will be for a successful and seamless renovation.

HOW and when do you give updates on the remodel

Now that you know who does what, you’ll want to discuss the communication framework for contacting each staff member. It’s important to know who will be on site every day, the structural procedures for your continued decision-making and involvement, who to contact after hours should an unexpected situation arise, etc. Houzz offers some extra tips concerning renovation project communication.

"The more you know about your home renovation company, the better prepared you will be for a successful and seamless renovation."

WHAT is your remodeling process?

Finally, allow your home renovation company to tell you a bit about their process. Realize that you don’t need to conduct the project experience by yourself. Allow your contractor’s experience to inform your own. Remodeling companies that have been in business for years can often provide their customers with helpful flowcharts that provide visual guidelines and a sense of assurance that the project is in tried and trusted hands.

Also, finding a remodeling company, like Kehoe Kustom, LLC that handles the design and the construction can save both time and money. These “Design & Build” companies can walk your through the process from beginning to end. Not only is it more convenient for you, but it also ensure a well-designed and seamless remodeling process.

WHAT Timeline is best?

Your first inclination may be to knock out that bathroom or kitchen remodel project when the weather is warm and the work days are long. But consider alternate timeframes that may be more beneficial. For instance, consider contracting renovation work during the winter months when your family may be vacationing elsewhere and when your home renovation company may have a lighter workload. Performing renovation projects when the family is absent will minimize inconvenience and expedite the timeframe.